Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Standing Out

I am a male to female transexual (My brain and central nervous system are wired like a female but my chromosomes and genitals are that of a male). I have been on hormones for a year and one month. I have been living as a woman full time for the last six months. In that time I have had several encounters with various people in a variety of public places. Surprisingly most of them were positive experiences. Some, while negative, were not violent or life threatening. Interestingly enough and not so surprisingly the last couple of negative encounters took place in a steak house. While the vast majority of people in the restaurant seemed unfazed by my existence. There were a couple of people who were utterly horrified when I walked past them. I could see their fear was absolute. LOL ...It occurs to me that while most of society has gotten over the initial shock of seeing trans people in public places, some retreat to "safe zones" where gay and trans people aren't supposed to go. It would seem that they believe a steak house that plays country music should be off limits to these individuals. After all its about having a safe place (away from the freaks) to go for a meal right? Seeing us unnerves these individuals. This is all because they must not have met a trans or gay person before. I have concluded that society needs more positive encounters with trans and gay people. That said I am committed to eat at this steak house as frequently as possible. I would like to get as many of my friends to join me monthly and enjoy a nice steak (While inadvertently demonstrating to the general public that trans and gay people are not a subculture to be feared, but friends and family to "ordinary, everyday Americans" thus a part of society as a whole.) As much as I want to "fit in" in our community, I do feel compelled to stand out. For no other reason than to show my haters that I am not an evil pervert looking to harm them or their children... I am however a funny, loving, compassionate, respectful, and utterly fabulous human being. I encourage everyone out there reading this to do the same. Stand matter who you are or how society classifies you...Stand The Hell Out...Do it so that children today can be themselves tomorrow without feeling like there is something wrong with them. The more visible we are the less reaction we will get in the future.


  1. Yes, Karin; you are fabulous! Thank you for this. Great Job!!

  2. Karin, I like steak, and I'd be happy to accompany you to dinner!
